

Home Up Phalaenopsis Cattleya Dendrobium Bulbophyllum Paphiopedilum Oncidium Vanda Mounted Species Sale Orchids Other Pots Order 

Call (828) 294-3950 or (828) 238-3604  Or email at info@ironwoodorchids.com

 Shipping is done as the weather / temperature allows
We have transitioned over to using Federal Express for shipping

Shipping:  The shipping charge to the customer is exactly what the shipping cost is, plus $10 for boxing.  (more for very large boxes) 

Picture Description of Bulbophyllum (Bulb.) Size Price Shipping
  There are a large # of Bulbophyllum species, & found in all tropical areas on earth.      
New item Bulbophyllum vaginatum 4" pots $35 See shipping info. above
New item Bulbophyllum taiwanense
This is a mini
One 4" pot smaller plant
One 4" pot more growths
See shipping info. above
New item Bulbophyllum cummingii One 3" pot $35 See shipping info. above
New item Bulbophyllum makoyanum Two 4" pots $45 See shipping info. above

New item   
Bulbophyllum fascinator  Species Bulbophyllum from Thailand
These are striking blooms, long with many 'hairs'
One small pot
Mini plant
$45 See shipping info. above

 Beautiful blooms
Several blooms are on a bloom spike
They are fanned out from the bloom spike like an umbrella. 

Bulbophyllum dentiferum
This is a small growing plant.  One leaf on a pseudo bulb.
They are growing in hot day cooler night in medium dappled light.  Right now they are in pots.  Water / Fertilize year round
Blooming time is Fall / Winter.
3" pots $35 See shipping info. above
New item Bulbophyllum catenulatum
Miniature growing orchid
Grows Small Leaves
$35 See shipping info. above
Bulbophyllum lobbii 'Myra'
This species from Borneo, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines has one leaf on a pseudobulb.  Larger bloom 3-4"  Blooms in Summer with single Fragrant bloom

Great size plant and blooms
Will try to take a better picture !
Two 4"  +
Clay Pots
$45 See shipping info. above

Bulbophyllum longibrachiatum

Blooms in fall
4" $35 See shipping info. above


Bulbophyllum medusae
Growing in bright but not too strong light. 

These pictures show what the bloom will be like
 4" pots
$45 See shipping info. above
See www.orchidspecies.com/bulbmicranthum.htm for a good picture Bulbophyllum micranthum
Native to Brazil, Rio de Janiero and more
Many Small flowers on long spike
Blooms in Fall
Pink and with yellow
6" wood flat $65 See shipping info. above

Bulbophyllum penninsulare '#2'
Easy to grow
Larger plant in Oval basket

Mounted along with two Tillandsias

Large cluster - Hangs


See shipping info. above

Bulbophyllum breviscapum or lasciochilum
From India, Burma, Thailand & Malaysia and more 
This is a MINIATURE & has very small pseudobulbs and leaves 
Fall single bloom from the new mature pseudobulbs.
Strawberry fragrant
Part shade, hot, air movement, frequent water & fertilizer
4" pot
Mounted also
See shipping info. above

Bulbophyllum Daisy Chain
Blooming size divisions
3" pot
$35 See shipping info. above
Bulbophyllum sumatranum One 4" pot $45 See shipping info. above
  Bulbophyllum corolliferum 3" pots $35 See shipping info. above
Bulbophyllum dixonii  Now morphologorum
From Thailand and Vietnam at high elevations, small size, warm to cool growing epiphyte
Large oval green  pseudobulbs with one leaf each
Blooms in late fall on long cascading inflorescence with many flowers

Bulbophyllum biflorum 
Blooms in the late summer and fall months Compact Grower under 8" tall. One of easiest and fastest growing Bulbophyllums 
Bulbophyllum maximum (Synonym Megaclinium maximum)  Miniature.  We grow these in bright indirect light, warm to hot, cooler at night.  The neatest part is when it blooms.  The small scented successive blooms come out on both sides of a flat wide brown growth that comes out from the mature pseudobulb in the Fall.  Must have a dry winter to do well in the Spring. SOLD    

Bulbophyllum laxiflorum  Each bloom is small, Miniature plant  Found in Thailand, the Philippines & more  They are growing in warm to hot day, cooler night, in medium light. Bulb has a single leaf   Blooms at most any time of the year. See how the fragrant musky blooms come from the bloom spike to form an umbrella like circle.



Bulbophyllum phalaenopsis   The name of this comes from the similarity of the leaves between this Bulbophyllum and Phalaenopsis  The leaves grow very long and the blooms cluster next to the pseudobulb.  These New Guinea orchids are growing in shade and drain well, but also humid Sold    


Bulbophyllum peninsulare '#2'  From Thailand only  This makes a long group of blooms closely clustered and overall looks like one bloom.      
  Bulbophyllum maquilingense  Mini orchid  Very cute pseudobulbs and leaves.  Very thin bloom spike holds 3/4" flowers which are interesting.       
Red and yellow, short.  Like slippers.  Bulbophyllum frostii x self  from Vietnam
Spring bloomer, Fragrant, Miniature
  Bulbophyllum fenestratum
Really neat Pink blooms

Bulbophyllum Crown Point x fascinator Sold
  Bulb. Jersey (echinolabium x lobbii) None    


Bulb. maxima  Has bloomed, dark   Buds open up along this flat, dark spike.  It is very striking looking.  It has pseudobulbs that need less water in the winter to help it bloom, even to having them shrivel. The plant grows better when we give it more light.  None    

This webpage was updated 5/13/2024
Orchid Classes:  Learn how to grow, care for and bloom your orchids
Ironwood Estate Orchids is conducting Beginner and Hands on Repotting Classes
Click Here for Class Dates New 2024 Dates Are Here !!!
See our New Pots for Orchids   Pots
Purchase by visiting the greenhouse at Ironwood Estate Orchids, 3757 Sandy Ford Rd., Hickory, NC  28602
By appointment
e-mail to
info@ironwoodorchids.com or perikson@twave.net
calling us at (828) 294-3950 or (828) 238-3604 cell
or writing to us at Ironwood Estate Orchids, 3757 Sandy Ford Rd., Hickory, NC  28602

Thank you to each of our customers!
It is you who make this a business and a wonderful experience.
We invite you to come to the greenhouse (by appointment) and
enjoy the ever changing environment of blooms, plant growth and orchid offerings.
Dale and Phyllis Erikson  Still growing and enjoying orchids after more than 30 year

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Last modified 1/9/2024
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